Integrating Critical/Media Literacies in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Teacher Education
Project funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

What we offer
Our three year project aims at elevating teacher education by seamlessly integrating critical and media literacies within a plurilingual and pluricultural framework, fostering a dynamic learning environment that empowers educators to navigate diverse linguistic and cultural landscapes with proficiency and cultural sensitivity
Chat with Us
Chat with us and many other teachers on our project discord channel.
Videos and Presentations
Access our videos and presentations about critical media literacies education and much more.
Teaching material sharing
Access the ready-to-use teaching material (slides and handouts) for your critical media literacies teaching.
Access our resources for Critical Media Literacies teaching
Our comprehensive sets of teaching materials cater to diverse students and grade levels
Embedding latest research on CML
- Informed by latest research
- Created in consultation with teachers
- Contextualized around current topics

Adaptable to diverse teaching scenarios
- A variety of thought-provoking examples
- Ready made student activities
- Tasks that promote reflective practice
Meet the Project Team

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